Book Review: Grave Peril By Jim Butcher (Dresden Files #3)

91476Grave Peril by Jim Butcher is the third book in the Dresden Files series. The story once again as always follows Harry Dresden, a wizard living in Chicago who helps the police with supernatural crimes. This time ghosts are causing trouble all over Chicago and many people affect are somehow connected to Harry.

The story starts out with what seems to be typical for Dresden at the moment trying to stop ghosts from killing anyone but as the story progresses there is a connection to a demon who Harry defeated before and their might be bigger problems coming.

Many people say that book three is where the series starts to get good and I agree that Jim Butcher has found his footing with the series and the stories he wants to tell. Grave Peril starts to give the reader more information about Harry’s backstory and the supernatural world that is connected to our modern world. The supernatural elements are better fleshed out and the stakes are being raised in this book as we see what Harry will do to protect the people he cares about.

As if the other books in this series, I read it as an audio book which is brilliantly narrated by James Marsters which makes me like the series even more. Unlike, the first two books I completely enjoyed the story and can’t wait to continue on with the series.





Book Review: The Night Circus by Erin Morgerstern

9361589The Night Circus by Erin Morgerstern is a adult literary fiction and fantasy novel that follows two main protagonists, Ceila and Marco, who are competing against one another at a magical circus and try not to fall in love.

It took me awhile to get through The Night Circus not because it bad at all but because its a fairly slow book and I needed things that were fast paced at the time. The book is beautifully written and would be a good book for those who might not be fantasy readers. The main story covers multiple characters and time frames but focuses on the circus that all the main character live and work at which is where all the magic is.

Though Ceila and Marco are being pitted against each other because of a challenge their magical teachers have constructed they don’t have much of a real conflict with each other. Their story is more of show casing their magic and through learning more about each other trying not to fall in love.

Though the plot revolves around the circus, its traveling and how this contest has trapped all those who work at the circus the real focus of the book is about the stories we tell and the power they have.

I absolutely loved the Night Circus but I think I would have loved it even more if I hadn’t been in a slump and I look forward to reading it again.